Rockhampton - Mater Misericordiae Hospital
Cardiology & Oncology Building
Cardiovascular Clinics (CVC) Suite 1
31 Ward St
Rockhampton Q 4700
Ph: (07) 4807 6512
Fax: (07) 4807 6513
Our lab is located in Suite 1 with Cardiovascular Clinics. Please ask for directions to CVC if you have trouble finding us!
RSHQ spirometry provider number: 90005594
Opening Hours: By appointment only - Mon, Tues, Thursdays
Download Rockhampton Referral Form
Available Tests
Full lung function - spirometry, gas transfer & lung volumes
Flow Volume Loops - before and after bronchodilator
​Bronchial Provocation:
Mannitol Challenge
Respiratory Muscle Strength (MIPS/MEPS & postural spirometry)
Six Minute Walk Test (single trial without O2)
Six Minute Walk Test (dual trial without and with O2 for MASS)
FeNO (Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide)