The Wesley Hospital
Wesley Medical Centre
Level 2, Suite 26
40 Chasely Street
Auchenflower Q 4066
Ph: (07) 3607 5190
Fax: (07) 3607 5196
RSHQ spirometry provider number: 90005585
Opening Hours: Weekdays 9am - 5pm
Available Tests
Full lung function - spirometry, gas transfer & lung volumes
Flow Volume Loops - before and after bronchodilator
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test
Bronchial Provocation:
- Mannitol Challenge
- Hypertonic Saline Challenge
- Histamine Challenge
Allergen Skin Prick Test
Hypoxic Altitude Simulation Test
Respiratory Muscle Strength (MIPS/MEPS & postural spirometry)
Six Minute Walk Test (single trial without O2)
Six Minute Walk Test (dual trial without and with O2 for MASS)
Overnight Oximetry
FeNO (Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide)
Just 4kms from the Brisbane CBD. There is onsite parking and easy access to Auchenflower train station